Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Zwierząt GRUPA RATUJ

Dear Santa. This is Swawola. I'm a little kid and I've already been through it. My siblings and I were thrown out on the street while still in our mother's belly. We were born in a municipal storage facility, and it wasn't easy there either. The storage room is not a shelter or a house, we were still like bundles that someone throws at the bottom of the "storage room". After birth, it was cold, my mother kept us warm, but it only worked for a while. We could hear her tummy growling and we were running out of milk. Fortunately, someone noticed and informed the Ratuj Group. They took us to a warm place. Mom had it easier here. She definitely had a belly and so did we. They take care of us like princesses now. We get hugs every day. We are already starting to learn to eat on our own and are slowly taking our first steps. We can't go out yet because we are waiting for vaccinations, so we use pads. We also like to play and the toys are great, it's just a pity that we figure them out so quickly haha. Please, Santa, give us such a layette. Wet starter food for puppies, a lot of pads (after all, I'm not alone) and some toys. Thank you in advance.

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